SSL Certificate
"From caring comes courage." ~ Lao Tzu
Carebees is a free website. Employers searching for a direct caregiver privately can find you - and contact you - at no charge to you. Your contact information will be displayed along with all the other information in your File.

Many families in need of a caregiver would rather not to post information about themselves on the Internet. So, you want to advertise yourself.

Your File on Carebees will provide employers with information about yourself, your qualifications, and your job preferences.

Your File will also let you:

Setting up your File:

Complete all of the steps in order for your File to be saved, it should take only a few minutes. You can view and edit your File at any time.

The fields marked with a red star * are required. But a more detailed File will lead to better matching:

If you are part of a couple seeking employment together, you and your partner can link your Files, so the employers looking for a couple can view them simultaneously.

Place your cursor over the words with dotted underline to see further information.
